About Ennis Captioning Solutions
Our History
Ennis Captioning Solutions (ECS) was born in 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, when the world initially shut down and subsequently went virtual, driving up the demand for remote captioning to unprecedented levels. Unable to meet the demand, ECS was established and began working to build a vetted team of highly qualified, certified remote captioners to help ensure consumers’ needs are met.

Meet Natalie Ennis
Natalie Ennis is the founder of ECS. She is a nationally certified realtime captioner with over 25 years of experience. She has worked as a court reporter, broadcast TV captioner, and ASL interpreter before settling in to her true passion – onsite and remote captioning. While she no longer interprets professionally and has let her Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID) certifications lapse, having the ability to communicate effectively and directly with Deaf consumers who use ASL has proven to be beneficial to all involved and has allowed her to carve out a niche community within which she loves working. She has been captioning full time, both onsite and remotely, since 2005. Natalie has served on the board of the Maryland Court Reporters Association and the CART Ethics Task Force, helping to create the Code of Professional Ethics for captioners for the National Court Reporters Association (NCRA), the national organization for professional court reporters and captioners. As a member of her local Deaf community, she is passionate about quality captioning and strives to provide seamless service to her clients.